Dear Family, Friends, Partners in Ministry,
This is more of an Urgent Prayer Request for several of our Christmas Evangelism Outreach events here in the heart of what we call “lostness” where God is moving and reaching down into the lives of people who have never even had one person in their family become a follower of Jesus.
Yet, God has strategically placed us here among some of the least reached people groups in our world today to bring the light of Jesus. Here are 5 Prayer Requests with a little background we are asking you to pray about as we have entered this Christmas Season.
1) PRAY FOR ALL THE YOUNG PEOPLE THAT CAME TO OUR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY last night that they might grow as lights in the darkness.
As I shared on my Facebook page this morning, last night was a wonderful Christmas atmosphere as we celebrated Christmas as our Annual Youth Christmas Party for jr. high, senior high school, and university students with games and activities, gift exchange, short message about Christmas, and some awesome food. It made the heart of this Pastor very happy to celebrate with these incredible young people. God is truly changing lives in Northern Thailand at Baan Athitaan Church and we are very intentional about “making disciples.”
Here is a link to all of our pictures on Facebook for this event. If you have Facebook, please click the link @
For those who do not have Facebook, here are just a few pics from that event.
2) PRAY FOR GOD TO CONTINUE TO DRAW “The Little Children” and their families to Jesus.
We teach English to almost 70 kids in elementary school, grades 1-6 every Saturday morning. It is one of the ways that we intentionally reach out into the community and bless these children and their families. We have seen many come to Jesus through this outreach. Please pray these kids and their families. Some of them are from homes where there has never even been 1 follower of Jesus in their whole family heritage but God is at work. Here is a practice performance they did just this morning in preparation to our major Christmas Christmas outreach tomorrow. These children will perform this song as part of our program. Here is the video clip from the practice this morning.
3) PRAY FOR OUR LARGEST CHRISTMAS OUTREACH OF THE YEAR TOMORROW NIGHT. Over the 25 years we have lived in Thailand, the Christmas season seem to be the most fruitful time for us to share the message of our Lord Jesus. Please pray for Pasor Israel from a partner church in the USA as he shares a brief message about Jesus and as our program and everything we do tomorrow night will point to honoring our one true Creator God who chose to come live among us as “Emmanuel – God with us.”
4) PRAY FOR OUR TWO AWESOME VOLUNTEER TEAMS FROM THE USA that are here with us helping with our outreach into Northern Thailand. Please pray for God’s blessing on the team from Crosspoint Church from Gulfport, MS and for the team from FBC Florence, MS. These two churches help us in many ways as we reach out to the lost here in Northern Thailand.
5) PRAY FOR BAAN EDEN AND THEIR OUTREACH TO THEIR NEIGHBORS Tonight even as I write this. All of our Staff from NTIM and Baan Athitaan Church and all of our Volunteers from both visiting churches and many others have gone over to help with this outreach of this children’s home. Pray that their neighbors will open their hearts to the message of the Gospel and begin to understand the meaning of “Emmanuel – God with us.” The greatest story ever told.
Many of you know that we live in a part of the world where less than 1 out of every 100 people know Jesus as their personal Savior. Put another way, 99 out of every 100 Thai people are without a personal relationship with Jesus and many have never even heart the message of Jesus. Lost without Jesus? Yes, 99% of almost 70 million people.
There are also over 70 different ethnic unreached people groups that live in this country…some of these UPGs are some of the last reached peoples in our world today.
We are excited about all that God is doing on this side of the world and thanking God for each of you and your partnership with us for the sake of the gospel and wanted to bring these 4 prayer requests to your attention and ask that you spend a little time seeking God over these prayer requests on our behalf.
Your Servants to the Nations in and around Northern Thailand for Jesus sake,
Michael for the team
“…Behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which shall be for all the people; for today in the city of David there has been born for you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10-11
Financial support can be given through NTIM….
Northern Thailand Impact Ministry (NTIM), P.O. Box 26115, Birmingham, AL 35260 USA Main Website:
NTIM is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization based in the USA. We are committed to connecting people in need with people who care and are focused in the heart of Southeast Asia where poverty is high, education is low, needs are great, unreached people groups (UPGs) are all around us, and the love and message of Jesus is needed to transform lives.
All donations made to God’s work through NTIM are tax deductible and can be made either online at or mailed to NTIM, P.O. Box 26115, Birmingham, AL 35260
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