Hope and I have lived in Thailand for over 20 years now and almost 18 of those years we have lived the city of Chiangrai. Before moving to Chiangrai, we spent our first 2 years in Thailand in full time language study in the capital city of Bangkok. While in Bangkok we received what we believe was a vision from God to move to Chiangrai in Northern Thailand and begin working among some of the least reached people groups in our world today. We felt God’s leadership to establish a legal and legitimate English language school as a platform for reaching some of these least reached peoples with the gospel of our Savior through the relationships that we established through our school. We believed this would be the starting point for a church plant that has now become what we call Baan Athitaan Church.
In those early days, we began forming relationships with several high schools in our city as well as with the two universities in our city. We began reaching out to many, many students whom we would call “seekers of truth.” Phet was one of those seekers of truth that we met almost 18 years ago. When many of us from the language school would go onto the university campuses, we would have great conversations and shared the love and message of Christ quite openly and freely. One of those people that we began to get close to was Phet. She was not interested in becoming a Christian at first and we had many discussions about that, but soon after she began to come to Baan Athitaan Church and see how we all related to each other, her heart began to soften. I remember the day that Phet finally surrendered her heart to Jesus and became the first follower of Jesus in her entire family. That was 17 years ago.
One of the things that I want you to understand about Phet and about this part of God’s world is that Phet is a Thai citizen. Her nationality is Thai but make no mistake she is not from the ethnic majority of the Central Thai people. Phet is from one of those least unreached people groups in our world today known as the Mien or Yao. From the time Phet gave her heart to Jesus some 17 years ago as a university student, I have been the only Pastor Phet has ever known. She has been a part of Baan Athitaan Church from almost the very beginning and has served as one of my key staff members and mentors/disciplers for new believers for the last 10 years.
out 18 million people. The third largest unreached people group (UPG) in Thailand is the Northern Thai (Muang) people group and they have about 7 million people here in Thailand mostly living in Northern Thailand. Phet is from one of the smaller unreached people groups in Thailand with about 45,000 people living in Thailand but with over 272,000 living in Vietnam and over 1 million living in China.
time as this.