1) Meet the team picture:
2) Michael and Hope Johnson came to Thailand on January 13, 1999, some 21+ years ago and God has blessed the work of their hands since the beginning. After 2 years of Central Thai language study in Bangkok, they sensed God’s leadership to move to the Northern most province of Thailand called Chiangrai to begin new work of opening up an English language school as a bridge to bless the community and be a platform for establishing relationships that would lead to the Gospel and ultimately to planning a church. Michael currently serves as the pastor of a church plant called Baan Athitaan Church (BAC) that started in the Johnson home in September/October of 2001. One of Michael’s favorite and main responsibilities is in leading, training and equipping our 5 full time Thai national partners in what it means to serve God with a pure heart and join God in making disciples among 1st generation believers. Michael also leads NTIM’s outreach program called Grace Language School (GLS) where we are able to begin building new relationships with students every two months. What a joy it is to work together as a team and see God reach into the hearts of some of the least reached people groups in our world today and see one of our students from one of these UPGs become the first person in their entire family to become a follower of Jesus. Hope is also very active at BAC especially in the area of music and she also teaches English at GLS. God has also recently given Hope a very special and unique opportunity to serve as Head of School at Chiangrai International School (CRIS) where she is able to be the salt and light of Jesus through this educational platform that she is leading.
3) Sutasinee (Ja) Srijai joined the ministry on June 1, 2003, some 17 years ago, shortly after she graduated with a degree in Accounting from Payap University. Ja is from the 3rd largest unreached people group in Thailand known as the Khon Muang UPG. She became the first person in her entire family to become a follower of Jesus while she was in her 3rd year as a university student. She was introduced to Christ one day while in English class during a time when the English teacher asked someone from Campus Crusade for Christ to come and share the message of Christ in her class. Through God’s leadership, we invited Ja to serve the Lord with us after she graduated from university. Since that time, she has been involved in so many aspects of the ministry. Today, she is primarily involved in handling all of our finances for GLS, BAC, and for Channel of Blessing Foundation (CBF), which, for all practical purposes, is NTIM’s sister foundation in Thailand. She is heavily involved in mentoring and discipling university students and currently mentors and meets with 10 people every single week helping them grow in their walk with Jesus. Ja’s favorite Bible verse is Matthew 6:33 which says, “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.”
4) Achirawat (Jay) Saelee joined the ministry on November 17, 2009, 11 years ago, shortly after he graduated with a degree in English Studies from Chiangrai Rachabhat University. Jay is from a people group in Thailand known as the Hmong Daw. Jay became the 3nd person in his entire family to become a follower of Jesus while he was in his 1st year as a university student. He was introduced to Christ through Campus Crusade for Christ and shortly thereafter became a student at Grace Language School and became active in Baan Athitaan Church where Michael had the privilege of baptizing him on October 21, 2007. Through God’s leadership, we invited Jay to come and serve the Lord with us after he graduated from university. Since that time, he has been involved in so many aspects of the ministry. Today, Jay is primarily involved in leading our soccer outreach ministry. He is also very active in teaching English and is one of our key translators. He is also very active in teaching the Bible and currently teaches during our university cell group. Jay is also heavily involved in mentoring and discipling university students and currently mentors and meets with several guys every single week helping them grow in their walk with Jesus. Jay’s favorite Bible verse is Psalm 37:4-5 which says, “Delight yourself in the Lord; And He will give you the desires of your heart.Commit your way to the Lord, trust also in Him, and He will do it.”
6) Nattapong (Ball) Khakaew joined the ministry on August 1, 2017, 3 years ago, shortly after he graduated with a degree in English Education from Chiangrai Rachaphat University. Ball is from the 3rd largest unreached people group in Thailand known as the Khon Muang UPG. He became the first person in her entire family to become a follower of Jesus while he was in his 3rd year as a university student. Ball began going to a English outreach of GLS at Rachaphat University called “English Corner.” The relationships he developed led him him to a Christmas program at Baan Athitan Church where he received a scholarship to study at GLS and became on of Michael’s students. Many people spoke into Ball’s life and all of us rejoiced greatly on February 25, 2015 when Ball made the decision to become a follower of Jesus. Michael had the privilege of baptizing Ball on September 13, 2016 at Baan Athitaan Church. Through God’s leadership, we invited Ball to come and serve the Lord with us shortly after he graduated from university. Since that time, Ball has been involved in many aspects of the ministry. Today, Ball is primarily involved in teaching English and takes the lead role in organizing and leading our GLS Children’s English program on Saturday mornings for children grades 1-6. Ball is also one of our key translators. He is also very active in teaching the Bible and leading our youth ministry to junior high students. Jay is also involved in mentoring and discipling new believers and currently mentors and meets with several guys every single week helping them grow in their walk with Jesus. Ball’s favorite Bible verse is Micah 6:8 which says, “He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you But to do justice, to love kindness, And to walk humbly with your God?”