“God’s priority plan to reach the un-evangelized is the mobilization of His people in united prayer.”
Joy Dawson
We believe in the power of uniting together in prayer.
Here are a few ways you can pray specifically for our organization:
- Pray for the laborers that have followed God’s calling in their life to come to serve Him in Northern Thailand
- Pray for our Thai nationals that work alongside us
- Pray for our various ministries (GLS, HIV, Soccer, Cell Groups, ESL, English Corner, Coffee House)
- Pray for the work our partner, Crave International, is doing in Northern Thailand
If you would like a 7-day prayer guide that will help you pray more specifically for NTIM, you can find that below:
Sunday: Please pray for our main church plant, Baan Athitaan Church, as we have the opportunity to come together as a body of Christ and study the word of God. The Lord is at work amongst our church and we have the great opportunity to see scripture be brought to life every Sunday as we worship together. Pray for all of the activities that take place on Sunday, that in all we do God alone will be lifted high and glorified.
Monday: There are nearly 6,500 unreached people groups throughout the world and the majority of them live within the 10/40 window. God has allowed us to work in the heart of the 10/40 window where there are over unreached people groups. We have the opportunity to reach them through our English teaching platform. Please pray specifically for the Hmong, Mien, Akha, Central Thai, Mueng, and Isan people groups. Pray that their hearts would be open to learning more about God’s love for them and that they would continue to be eager to learn English.
Tuesday: Please pray for our English teaching platform, Grace Language School (GLS), as we come together to reach the nations through teaching. We will be teaching over 50 students during our weekly GLS term. God has given us a natural platform to build relationships with the Thai people by teaching them English and we desire to do that faithfully and diligently. Pray for the students that come to GLS that we will be lights into their lives. Pray for our teachers as they prepare and have the great opportunity to teach. Pray that they will be attentive to the Holy Spirit as He opens doors for the teachers to share truths about the love and gospel of Jesus.
Wednesday: Please pray for our discipleship opportunities corporate and one on one. Pray specifically for the two different Cell Groups we have every week. We have two separate Cell Groups every week, one for university students and one for high school students. Pray for the students that participate in these discipleship times. Pray that their faith will increase in a world that is truly Buddhist. Pray that they will be light bearers to their family and friends. Also, please pray for each of our Thai national partners (Jay, Ja, Phet, Boom, Bee, and Ball) as they grow in their discipleship skills and have the opportunity to mentor other Thai nationals.
Thursday: We have 5 NTIM representatives that are currently on the field in Northern Thailand (Michael and Hope Johnson, Jodie Robinson, Derek and Jodi May). Pray for unity of the team as they come together to reach the people that are in and around Northern Thailand. Please pray for them as they follow God’s leadership in bringing the gospel to the Thai people. Pray also that we become acceptable outsiders to the Thai people. For the May family, pray specifically for their adjustment as they begin serving in Chiang Rai, as well as, pray for strength to fight spiritual battles that they are being faced with. For Miss Robinson, pray specifically for her work as an English teacher, that she would be bold to share God’s love with her students when the door is open to do so. Also, please pray for both the May family and Miss Robinson as they enter into Thai language study. For the Johnson family, pray specifically that they would continue to follow God’s leadership in their lives.
Friday: Please pray for our ministry partners Crave International. “Crave International is a discipleship program that exists to see Thai and foreigner young adults grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. Our unique approach aims to help participants translate transferable life and ministry skills into their home communities or wherever God may call them by teaching them how to study and apply God’s word to their lives.” Pray specifically for wisdom and unity for their staff team (Keith and Taran (Jayda and Cody) Lihaven and Alexa Walcott. Pray for their church partners and supporters who make their work in Thailand possible. Pray for the translation of their Crave curriculum into Thai. Lastly, please pray that God would raise up Thai national leaders to be disciples who make disciples.
Saturday: God has given us an amazing natural way to reach the community through our ESL classes on Saturday mornings. Parents are invited to sign their kids up to learn English from grades 1 to 6. This is a great opportunity for our staff to show the love of God to our community. The kids love to learn and the mornings are always fun! Please pray that through this we will be able to share the truth with the children as well as their parents. Pray that their hearts continue to be stirred to know the truth about the gospel. Pray for our teachers as well as they stand before the children each week and teach them about the love of God through their actions, speech, and thoughts.