As I put the final touches on this update, the Lord has gently reminded me of how vital each of you are to the ministry of NTIM. We truly are committed to taking the gospel of our Lord Jesus into some of the darkest and most needy places in the world. We are all about making disciples of all the nations!!! But we do not do this in isolation. We do this in partnership with each of you who loves and encourages us, with each of you who gives so that the Johnsons, the Espy’s, Kara, and others can go and live among the people.THANK YOU FOR GIVING TO THE LORD and for supporting the work God has put in our hearts and in our hands. Here are some of the highlights from the Field this Summer of 2011. Your servant with gladness of heart, Pii Michael
Alabama who were here for 6 weeks as summer volunteer missionaries. We at NTIM are so grateful for teams that come and share the love of Jesus with the people of Northern Thailand! Teams make it possible for us to reach out to people in ways we cannot do on our own. Short-term volunteers are so wonderful, but we are also really in need of long-term volunteers who can come serve for 2 years or longer. If you are interested in learning more about NTIM, please visit for more information on our ministry and what God is doing in Northern Thailand and feel free to send us an email at: